Postural Clavicle Immobilizer in eight

Applications / Recommendations: Postural Clavicle Immobilizer in eight. One piece adaptable to any size. For dislocations and post-traumatic treatments.
Size: Adult and Pediatric.
Packaging: Consult Size.

SKU: FI-600 FI-610 Category:


Our Postural Clavicle Immobilizer in eight is an alternative to the bandage for patients with dislocations, post-traumatic treatment of clavicle fractures, correcting shoulder load trends and forming kyphosis.

Made with our genuine 2miil cushion composed of different hypoallergenic textiles, welded together by ultrasound providing a padded bandage, forming a bandage in eight to which strategically it incorporates a velcro pieces so that its placement is of easy adjustment and simple to apply, providing the patient comfort during cleaning, due to the velcro closure.

Adaptable to any size and long enough for the technician, cutting or discarding the rest of surplus material, can be adjusted easily with a very effective fastening. Easy to apply in the care processes, use and withdrawal of the product, easy opening of the container and easy identification of the size. Washable in cold with protected velcro.

It is not a product to apply over open wound. The product is of extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness, the patient can easily apply and remove themselves.